Hi my dear readers,

It has been such a pleasure blogging for all of you and I hope you guys have been enjoying all the content so far. On June 13th, I attended my farewell ceremony that was hosted by LiU for all graduating students belonging to Class of 2024. It was an honour to attend this event, and I was quite pleasantly surprised at how fancy it was, so I wanted to share my experience with you guys. I also made an instagram post about it so make sure to follow LiU on instagram to check that out.

Anyway, the ceremony included a lovely choir performance, speeches from students and professors, and mainly, handing out certificates and photos to each graduating class, which was quite special. Everyone was dressed very fancy in dresses and tuxes, and the overall atmosphere was very positive and inspirational – with hope for the future.

Cake, refreshments and drinks were also served and there was an opportunity to take individual or group photos, which was a nice way to create a memory. I think another special thing is that I was able to meet and congratulate all my fellow ambassador friends and people from other programmes as well. It was also a bittersweet and emotional moment as I am not sure when I will see some of my friends from the other programmes again, but LiU is the reason that people from all over the world can connect in such a genuine way and form such special bonds. The international environment here at LiU is an amazing experience, which elevates the study experience here so much.

So yeah, from me as a LiU graduate, I can definitely say that the farewell ceremony was bittersweet but also showed many promises for the future and glimpses of hope for all of us and the future journeys we are about to embark on. I wish all of you who are joining LiU or are nearing the completion of your studies, lots of luck. For those of you in the class of 2024, cheers to us, and a big thank you to LiU for the past 3 years!

Till next time,

Shiv <3

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