Moving from Uganda to Sweden for my studies has been one of the most exciting and transformative experiences of my life. As a student stepping out of my home country for the first time, I was filled with a mix of exhilaration and nervous anticipation. Here’s a glimpse into my journey into this new chapter.

The moment I received my acceptance letter from Linköping University, I was over the moon. The thought of experiencing snow, embracing a new culture, and pursuing my academic dreams in Sweden was a dream come true. But with this excitement came the daunting task of packing and preparing for a completely new environment.

First on my list was clothing. Coming from the warm equatorial climate of Uganda, I had to rethink my wardrobe entirely. I would need to pack warm sweaters, jackets, and thermals, knowing that Swedish winters are infamous for their cold and darkness. My friends who had travelled before me even advised me to invest in a good quality winter coat and waterproof boots, which I quickly added to my list. The problem was, all these items were heavy, and I had a strict cargo limit from the Airlines I was to use. I decided to pack/carry only essential clothing (light summer clothing and a few basic sweaters). I made up my mind to do real wardrobe shopping while in Sweden, which would also reduce the chances of buying wrong choice of clothing for Autumn and winter.

Next, I packed my personal and academic essentials. The only viable candidate was my laptop, which I carried in my hand-luggage to go with me to the cabin. Given the digital nature of most academic resources today, I made sure to have backups of important documents I thought I would need, on a USB drive and cloud storage. I made the decision to buy things like notebooks and pens when settled in Sweden, also because of the flight weight issue. Luckily, I had read about the well stocked LiU library, so I knew I did not have to stock textbooks and some other handy education literature. Electronics were another important consideration. I packed my phone, charger, and a universal adapter to ensure I could use my gadgets without any problems since the sockets in Sweden would be different from those in Uganda (and many countries in Africa). Knowing that I’d need to navigate a new city and keep in touch with family back home, these items were very essential.

As someone who loves to cook, I couldn’t leave without packing some of my favourite Ugandan spices and ingredients. I knew I would miss the flavours of home, especially in the first months, so having these little pieces of Uganda with me was essential. This way, I could recreate some of my favourite dishes and share a taste of my culture with my new friends in Sweden.

In addition to practical items, I also packed some sentimental ones. A light photo album filled with pictures of family and friends, and a journal to document my experiences all found their way into my suitcase. These items were not just for comfort but also a reminder of home and the support system cheering me on from afar.

Lastly, I prepared my travel documents meticulously. My passport, admission letter and residence permit (even the papers showing the decision) were all carefully organized in a travel wallet. I made multiple copies of each document, just in case, and left a set with my family back home.

Arriving in Sweden was an overwhelming experience. The cool air, the efficient public transport, and the clean, organized streets were a clear contrast to the bustling, warm environment of Uganda. As I settled into my new apartment, I realized that while I had packed all the physical essentials, the real journey was about to begin – embracing a new culture, making new friends, and navigating the challenges and wins of student life in Sweden.

Looking back, my journey to Sweden in August 2023 was more than just a physical move. It was a leap of faith into the unknown, filled with excitement, challenges, and immense growth. For anyone preparing to embark on a similar journey, my advice is to pack wisely, if you are coming from very far (another continent), keep in mind that you must not exceed a certain weight limit. I also encourage you to embrace the adventure with an open heart and remember that every challenge is a stepping stone to personal growth. Here’s to new beginnings and unforgettable experiences!

Yours, Chelsea!

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