Hej my dear readers,

It is almost May, which means that there is just one month left before the end of the spring semester. For some of you, this might be your last semester, just like it is for me. For others, it is maybe the end of your first year as a master’s student at LiU. Or maybe you are a newly admitted student who is just curious about Linköping University and therefore wanted to get a headstart by reading some blogs. Regardless of why you’re reading this, welcome. I am happy to have you as a reader.

The last semester can be tough and stressful, with many deadlines and exams coming up. Here are my best tips to get through the last semester while also staying sane and happy [most of the time ;)]!!!

  1. Understand all your long-term and short term tasks: Especially in this last month, there are probably a lot of compulsory assignments and exams coming up. The best way to cope with this is to plan your time and stay organised. Write down everything that is due either in your physical diary calendar or on an online calendar (Outlook, Google Calendar, etc.) so that you can see your upcoming deadlines. This way you can prioritise an assignment coming in the near future, finish it, and then move on to another assignment that has a longer due date.
  2. Start with what you struggle with: People always suggests starting with what you struggle with but I actually think that it is better to start with what you struggle with, whether it is an assignment or studying for a content-heavy exam. This is because once you start working with it and breaking it down, it won’t feel as overwhelming anymore and you will feel more confident about it as time passes. Don’t avoid it or push it to the last minute just because it is “hard”. I believe in you, so you should believe in yourself.
  3. Make a to-do list for everyday: To build a daily routine, I think it is important for you to make a list of tasks that you want to accomplish on a daily basis. This way you get a clearer overview of what to do daily and build a routine. Be realistic, don’t put too much on your plate. I for example don’t put down much on Fridays unless its the Friday before an exam because I feel like Fridays are my days to relax a little! Factor in the classes you have, the extracurriculars, meetings, meal-prep, call time with family and friends, house cleaning, laundry, etc. Those are all tasks too, chores take up time so do factor that into your daily tasks.
  4. Move your body: Regardless of how much work there is, you need to move your body as much as you can so that you feel more energized, fresh and it really does help your brain function better. Clear your head by going on a walk, a jog or search up just dance on YouTube and copy a dance, anything to get the heart beat increasing. You will so much better after working out. It can be some simple yoga or stretching in the morning as well, you can move your body the way you want to.
  5. Hang out with your friends when you can: I am not asking you to go crazy and party everyday but hangout with your friends once in a while, or FaceTime them. You can have a silent FT and study together, go out together on a walk, have some fika, or just anything you like to socialise, once in a while, so that you don’t lose contact with people as that could get lonely and overwhelming. More often than you think, people around you are probably feeling stressed as well and during exam and thesis period, it can be nice to have emotional support from your loved ones and confide in one another.

I hope these tips help and if you have any questions or want a part 2, please let me know! Good luck to all of us, we got this, one final push!

Till next time my readers,

Shiv <3

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