Welcome back to another blog post!

This week I want to tell you all about my favorite spots around Campus Valla.

As a first-year Master of Science for Sustainable Development student, I spend a lot of time at Campus Valla. Studenthuset (the library and main building at Campus Valla) is practically my living room now. However, there are definitely some more spots that are worth checking out once you are here! The campus is built up in a very convenient way, there is just one long street, and every building, park, parking lot, etc., is built alongside it. With the LiU-app helping you to navigate, it is quite easy to find where you want to go.

1. Studenthuset

The University library might sound like a boring place to be, but Studenthuset is actually really nice and cozy. The building has an open-floor concept and there are many different corners to explore! When you come in there are these big steps where everybody joins for lunch. On the left is a little café called Sektionscafé Baljan, where you can get cheap fika (coffee + something sweet for 15Sek, and if you take your own cup you get a discount!). On plan 2.5, you’ll find comfy seats and huge windows. I’ll sit here when I want to concentrate but also be cozy and sometimes get a little lost in the beautiful views. The rest of the building is filled with study spots. There are many areas suitable for group work (the library is not always quiet, which I needed to get used to in the beginning), quiet study areas, completely silent areas, and group work rooms. I recommend going to Plan 6 and finding a spot next to a window there as the views are incredible! Other facilities offered by Studenthuset are, for example, the Student Health Care Center, a restaurant to get lunch, and a podcast room! Therefore, Studenthuset has all you need and I highly recommend coming here to study and chill!

2. Valla gård, Linköping

Right next to Campus Valla, there is this large park/farm. At first, I thought it was a little weird to have so many University buildings with a kind-off farm next to them, but I’ve come to appreciate it so much. Not even a 5-minute walk from Studenthuset, there is this park filled with cute red houses, horses, goats, and a lot of green spaces, and Valla Folkhögskola is also located there. It is a lovely place to take a walk during lunch break and pet the horses. If you have some more time and want to extend your walk, right next to Valla gård, there is Vallaskogen, a large forest full of beautiful old trees and there are even some hills for sledding in winter!

3. Kårallen

Kårallen is a multifunctional building on Campus Valla. It is here where many student associations (such as StuFF, ESN, and ISA) have their offices. You can, just like in Studenthuset, also get cheap fika here (although it is busier here most of the time) and there is also a little shop where you can get snacks. One of my favorite activities here is to go to Torsdagkrogen, this is an event every Thursday in Kårallen from 15:00-18:00 where they open a bar and you can get cheap drinks and something to eat as well! There is music and always a nice atmosphere. It is a good way to celebrate that it is almost the weekend ;). Another special thing about Kårallen is that many of the student parties are given here. As many of us live in Ryd, an area close to Campus Valla, it is very convenient to have parties on campus! Most of the time, these parties have a dress code, namely: Ovve!


4. Campushallen

Doing sports next to your studies is very important, especially in winter with the darkness! Luckily, the (student)gym is located right on campus! Campushallen has a lot to offer, from group lessons to any kind of team sports to personal trainers to massages. I must admit, it is not the cheapest gym (therefore you need to go to Nordic Wellness or Actic), but the location is just the most convenient. The gym itself is not huge but it has a nice atmosphere and you can find any machine/weights you need. They are open every day from 05:00-00:00, so you can go at any time of day (it is most busy between 16:00-19:00).

There are plenty more spots on Campus Valla that I enjoy and even more that I still want to explore! However, the four spots named above are definitely my favorite and I would recommend everybody to check them out!

I wish you all the best and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me!

/ Fleur, Master of Science for Sustainable Development


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