Yeeyyy, hooray upon applying for programs of your choice successfully! Now begins the anticipation, the nervous excitement, and the endless scrolling through email inboxes. For many prospective students awaiting admission results from Swedish universities, the period between January 15th and March 20th can feel like an eternity filled with anxiety and anticipation. But fear not, dear applicants, for this waiting period is not meant for idle fretting. Instead, it’s an opportunity to constructively utilize this time and prepare for the exciting journey ahead.

  1. Learn Basic Swedish Words: Embrace the Language of Your Future

While you wait for admission results, why not use this time to start learning basic Swedish words and phrases? Not only will this give you a head start in adapting to your new environment if you’re accepted, but it also shows your commitment to immersing yourself in Swedish culture. Apps like Duolingo or Babbel offer fun and interactive lessons that make learning Swedish a breeze.

  1. Get Better Acquainted with Software: Engineering Edition

For aspiring engineers, this waiting period presents a golden opportunity to dive deeper into software relevant to your field of study. Whether it’s MATLAB, Simulink, or any other engineering software, familiarizing yourself with these tools now will give you a competitive edge once you start your program. Take online tutorials, watch instructional videos, and practice using the software to sharpen your skills and build confidence.

  1. Research Your Chosen Program: Dive into Course Materials

Take advantage of this waiting period to delve into course materials related to your chosen program. Familiarize yourself with the curriculum, required readings, and potential research topics. Not only will this deepen your understanding of the subject matter, but it will also demonstrate your enthusiasm and preparedness to hit the ground running once you’re admitted.

  1. Connect with Current Students and Alumni: Tap into the Community

Reach out to current students and alumni of your prospective university or program. Join online forums, social media groups, or attend virtual networking events to connect with individuals who can provide insights into their experiences and offer valuable advice. Building these connections early on can provide invaluable support and guidance throughout your academic journey.

  1. Prepare Your Relocation Documents: Ensure Everything is in Order

As you await admission results, it’s essential to have your relocation documents at the ready for the next steps. Ensure your passport is valid and up-to-date. Having these documents prepared in advance will streamline the process once you receive your admission letter and start preparing for your move to Sweden.

So, dear applicants, while the wait for admission results may feel long and daunting, remember that this period is not meant for fretting in silence. Instead, seize this time as an opportunity to prepare, learn, and grow, setting yourself up for success as you embark on your academic journey in Sweden. The adventure awaits – make the most of every moment!

Yours, Chelsea.

  1. Oscar says:

    Vital info!
    I wish I found these tips durung my apllication.
    Thanks Chelsea 👌

  2. Oscar says:

    Vital info!
    I wish I found these tips during my application.
    Thanks Chelsea

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