Hello again!

I am back with a new blog and this time I’ll tell you about my experience as a guest on Linköping University’s podcast; Fika with us!

Fika with Us is a podcast from LiU where we talk about different topics regarding international student life at Linköping University. If you don’t know what fika is yet, it is a very Swedish custom that basically means that you take a break from your activity to have a cup of coffee or tea with a little sweet treat. In the podcast Fika with Us, you are invited to join the International students to join them for Fika and listen to their opinions and tips regarding student life at LiU.

I was honored to join the podcast as a guest for their 81st episode! The theme was “Surviving the First Semester”. Our fellow International Student Ambassador Connor is the host of the Podcast and I must say, he does a great job! Before we recorded the podcast, he gave us an outline with some guiding questions, however, there is not a strict script so it is more of a casual conversation between friends! There is a podcast room in Studenthuset which has high-quality equipment for us to use. I must say, I was a little nervous the first time. It is quite intimidating sitting in that room and being recorded. However, Connor made us all feel at ease and the conversation actually flowed very nicely. For this podcast, two other lovely International Student Ambassadors joined as guests, namely; Chelsea & Erica. We had a great conversation and I really recommend you to listen to it, as this podcast episode is already out! If you want to hear more about my first-semester experience, I advise you to read my last blog post!

Last Saturday, I was a guest for another episode on Winter preparations! This time I was joined by the amazing Shivani & Leonor and of course our host Connor. This time around, I knew what to expect so, I wasn’t as nervous going into it. We had a great conversation on our thoughts and tips for Swedish winter. However, I won’t say too much about this episode because it isn’t out yet! Stay tuned on our social for the release date and give it a listen!

As said above, the Podcast already has more than 80 episodes, and I highly recommend listening to it if you are a new student or if you are planning to study at LiU! The themes go from living on a student budget to overalls, part-time jobs, and managing your time! So it is very informative and fun to listen to! You can find more information on the podcast when you click on this link: Fika with us – Linköping University (liu.se)

Have fun listening and see you next time!

/ Fleur, Master of Science for Sustainable Development


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