Christmas in Sweden is a magical and cherished time marked by rich traditions and a warm, festive atmosphere. The celebration begins with the Advent season, typically in late November or early December, when families light candles on Advent wreaths to count down the weeks until Christmas. One of the iconic symbols of Swedish Christmas is the Lucia celebration on December 13th. This festival honors St. Lucia, who is represented by a young woman wearing a crown of candles. Lucia processions, featuring children and adults singing traditional songs, are held in schools, workplaces, and communities.


Swedish homes are beautifully decorated with lights, ornaments, and candles. Many families have an Advent calendar, and on December 24th, Christmas Eve, the main celebration takes place. The day is filled with anticipation as families exchange gifts and gather for a festive meal. The traditional Christmas smorgasbord, known as “julbord,” features a variety of dishes, including herring, salmon, ham, sausages, and the classic Swedish meatballs. Rice pudding with an almond hidden inside is a popular dessert, and finding the almond brings good luck.


The Christmas tree is a central element in homes, adorned with an array of ornaments, candles, and sometimes small Swedish flags. In some regions, it’s also common to include small gnomes or “tomtar” as decorations. On Christmas Day, families often attend church services, and the holiday season extends into the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day, known as the “jullov” or Christmas break. Overall, Christmas in Sweden is a time for warmth, togetherness, and the joy of sharing traditions with loved ones.




Until next time,

Janine, International and European Relations



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