My friends used to believe that I’m a master in what we called “The Art of Juggling”, where I jump from a lecture to call with my friends to a lab that I teach to going to the gym. For me, embarking on a full-time master’s program at Linköping University is an exciting and intellectually stimulating journey. However, managing the demands of rigorous academic coursework alongside part-time employment as a lab assistant and teaching assistant can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. Learning to strike a balance between your academic pursuits and professional responsibilities is essential for achieving success and personal growth.  Here are some valuable tips from my experience :-

  1. Effective Time Management: I create a well-structured schedule that allocates specific time slots for studying, attending classes, conducting research, and doing responsibilities as a lab assistant and teaching assistant. Prioritize tasks based on their deadlines and importance, and avoid procrastination to ensure efficient utilization of my time.
  2. stay away from distractions: I used to spend a lot of time online just scrolling without have a sense of the wasted time. I started to limit my access to social media to strict time of the day. I put all my notifications n silence mood and kept it away from my hand.
  3. Be Realistic with Expectations: I always had a problem with being perfectionist with my Expectations. I used to make a long lit of tasks that should be done in 3 days and I imagine myself  finishing it after one day. Thus, I started to set realistic expectations for myself. Understand that it is essential to maintain a healthy balance between your academic and professional commitments and my personal well-being. This helped me a lot to be  mindful of my physical and mental health, and prioritize self-care to prevent burnout and ensure my overall well-being.
  4. Asking for help was a magic: In my role as a teaching assistant and lab assistant, consider collaborating with my peers and colleagues to efficiently manage tasks and responsibilities. I thought asking for help will not be a good quality for me. However, when I started to ask people for help when i do not know about something instead of wasting a lot of time trying to figure it out, I  started to get mutual support within my academic and professional circles.
  5. Do not forget yourself: having multiple positions and tasks made me sometimes forgot about myself. But allocating time for self-care activities, whether it be engaging in regular exercise, practicing mindfulness, or simply setting aside moments for relaxation and rejuvenation, is essential for maintaining a sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle. By acknowledging the significance of self-care and incorporating it into the daily routine, students can foster a sense of balance and resilience, ensuring their holistic well-being while successfully managing the demanding responsibilities of both academic and professional life.


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