
Sweden, known for its high-quality education and picturesque landscapes, is a popular destination for international students. The city of Linköping, with its dynamic environment and vibrant culture, provides myriad opportunities for students to find part-time employment. While there are numerous modern ways to secure a job, such as online job portals and university career services, the traditional method of handing out CVs in public places still holds its charm and effectiveness.

The Quest for Employment:

Students often explore employment to support their studies and living expenses in Sweden. In Linköping, downtown areas are bustling with restaurants, cafes, and other public places, making them ideal spots for job hunting. Walking into a restaurant and presenting a well-prepared CV to the manager might seem old-fashioned, but it’s a method that can yield positive results.

Personal Experience:

I navigated through the alleys and streets of downtown Linköping, handing out CVs to various eateries, in pursuit of a part-time job so far. As a result, I received several invitations to job interviews. One of the restaurants welcomed me aboard as a Kitchen Assistant. The job not only helps in mitigating my living expenses but also provides a rich, cultural experience and insight into the Swedish work ethic and culinary arts.

Why Traditional Methods Work:

In the digital age, relying on conventional job-seeking methods might seem out of place, but in cities like Linköping, it allows employers to meet potential employees face-to-face, enabling them to assess personality and eagerness directly. This immediate interaction can often make a stronger impression compared to an email or online application, where the essence of personality is often lost.

Balancing Act:

Balancing studies with a part-time job can be challenging but it’s manageable with good time management and organization. Sweden’s work culture, known for its emphasis on work-life balance, encourages a healthy equilibrium between professional commitments and academic pursuits. Employers are generally understanding and accommodating of student schedules, making it easier to juggle between work and study.

Exploring Various Avenues:

While the traditional approach has its merits, exploring multiple avenues can increase the chances of securing employment. Online portals, university career services, and networking events are excellent platforms to look for part-time opportunities. Leveraging social media and professional networking sites can also help in connecting with potential employers and learning about job openings.


Securing a part-time job during studies in Sweden, specifically in cities like Linköping, can be a rewarding experience, enriching both professional and personal life. Although modern job-seeking platforms offer convenience and a wide range of opportunities, the traditional method of applying in person by giving out CVs in restaurants and cafes, particularly in downtown areas, still proves to be effective. It requires persistence, effort, and a bit of luck, but the experience gained and the connections made are invaluable. Whether working as a kitchen assistant or in another role, part-time jobs can provide financial relief, practical experience, and a deeper understanding of Swedish culture and work ethics.

Remember, the key is to maintain a healthy balance between work and study, to make the most out of the enriching experience Sweden has to offer to international students.


/Szymon, Aeronautical Engineering


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