Embarking on my whole journey at Linköping University has been an exhilarating and transformative experience. Throughout my time here, I have had the opportunity to immerse myself in a unique education system, embrace Swedish culture, navigate how to be independent and to be responsible for all my decisions and forge unforgettable memories within a vibrant social life. Join me as I recount my incredible adventure, shedding light on these pivotal aspects of student life at Linköping University

Education system: The Swedish education system is renowned for its emphasis on innovation, critical thinking, and practical application. At Linköping University, the encouraging spirit was alongside me through every aspect of the academic life. The university adopts a student-centred approach, encouraging active participation, collaborative learning, and interdisciplinary studies. Courses are designed to be engaging and interesting, empowering students to develop a holistic understanding of the field. So, I am really more than happy and satisfied with my learning outcomes and the education experience.

Swedish culture and social life: Immersing oneself in Swedish culture is an integral part of the student journey at Linköping University. Sweden and Linköping particularly offer a unique tapestry for international students.  For me it boasts a vibrant social scene, providing ample opportunities to meet new people, engage in exciting activities, and create lasting memories. The student unions organize numerous events, ranging from cultural festivals and sports competitions to music concerts and career fairs. Joining student clubs and organizations aligned with personal interests is a fantastic way to forge friendships for me, develop new skills, and truly feel part of the vibrant student community. Exploring the city was so fun and I enjoyed many moments looking at the architecture, exploring nearby nature reserves was my favourite thing, and participating in traditional Swedish festivities further enrich my social experience.

Learning Swedish: Learning the language was something I wanted to do to understand the culture more. Although I am not yet able to speak in Swedish, but I can understand and recognize more words than before. Embracing the Swedish language can enhance the experience, as many locals appreciate the effort to communicate in their native tongue. Learning some key Swedish phrases and participating in language exchange programs helped me foster deeper connections within the community. Also, attending SFI classes was helpful along with the daily Duolingo practices.

My accommodation: When I first arrived at Linköping University, I had the idea of living in my own studio or flat, seeking the independence and privacy that comes with it. However, as I delved into the realities of my budget, I realized that living in a corridor was a more financially viable option for me. At first, I may have felt a slight disappointment, but little did I know that this decision would lead me to one of the most enriching experiences of my student life. One of the most remarkable aspects of living in a corridor was the opportunity to interact with a diverse range of people from various backgrounds and cultures. Each day brought new conversations and interactions that broadened my horizons and deepened my understanding of the world. I found myself surrounded by individuals with different perspectives, beliefs, and experiences, and these encounters challenged me to question my own preconceptions and expand my worldview.

My expenses: One of the key challenges I faced was managing my finances while ensuring a fulfilling and enriching student experience. With careful planning and resourcefulness, I was able to stay on budget and even save money. Here are some strategies I did:

  1. Cooking for Myself: One of the most effective ways to save money as a student is by cooking meals at home. Instead of relying on expensive takeaways or dining out, I embraced the art of cooking. I learned to plan my meals in advance, create shopping lists, and make use of affordable ingredients. By preparing my own meals, I not only saved money but also had control over the quality and nutritional value of the food I consumed. Additionally, cooking at home allowed me to explore Swedish cuisine and experiment with new recipes, adding a touch of culinary adventure to my student life.
  2. Part-Time Jobs: To supplement my income and stay within my budget, I sought part-time job opportunities whenever I had some free time between my studies. However, balancing work and studies required careful time management, but the benefits in terms of financial stability and personal growth made it worthwhile for me.
  3. Budgeting and Expense Tracking: Maintaining a budget and tracking expenses proved to be invaluable in managing my finances effectively. I created a monthly budget that accounted for tuition fees, accommodation costs, utilities, groceries, transportation, and other essential expenses. By setting realistic spending limits for each category, I was able to prioritize my needs and identify areas where I could cut costs. Additionally, I used spreadsheets to track my expenses, enabling me to visualize my spending patterns, identify areas of overspending, and make necessary adjustments to stay on track.
  4. Utilizing Student Discounts: Many businesses and service providers offer exclusive student discounts. These discounts apply to a wide range of products and services, including public transportation, museums, sports facilities, and even shopping. Being proactive in seeking out these student discounts like using “Mecenat the student discount” helped me save a significant amount of money, allowing to do shopping with good discounts.

By writing this blog post I wanted to share some useful information and experience that might help you start your journey here in Linköping and I wanted to say GOOD BUY and GOOD LUCK!



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