May 15, 2023
BBQ Season
Summer is finally here! It took a while this year for it to get warm, but now it finally is, which means grilling season has been opened!
BBQs are a big thing in Sweden, some even grill throughout the winter. I prefer to do it in summer when the sun is out. Regardless of when you grill, there are a lot of public grills around Ryd and Campus that you can use. Here are some of my favourite ones:
- Ryds Allé: This is a very logical top 1 for me, since I live there, it makes it easy to get more appliances or keep drinks cool inside.
- Skaland: This is again close to Ryd and all the student accommodations. There is however a lot more space to play some outdoor games.
- Volleyball courts at Björnkärrsgatan: These grills are located right behind HG and are surrounded by student accommodations. Right next to it, there is a volleyball court making it easy enough to finish some outdoor sports with a nice BBQ.
- Vallamassivet: This spot is located right behind Campus. This is a lovely spot as it is partly in the woods and there is still a large grass area perfect for playing some Cubb.
- Colonia/Märkesbacken: Colonia is another student housing area right next to campus. There are several grills all around you can use again with lots of space to sunbathe and play games.
There are of course a lot more spots to try out, especially when you go out hiking you will find a bunch of grills for you to use.
And finally, I want to leave you with my BBQ pack list:
Coal: For obvious reasons, there are usually special garbage bins where you can dispose of your used coal after
- Lighter fluid and Lighter: Without anything to start the fire it is quite difficult to get it started, but be careful not to burn yourself
- Appliances: This includes tongs, Paper towels, a sharp knife (to open packaging) and a plate where you can leave your appliances on while you don’t need them
- Grill goods: With this I mean meat, and sausages but also veggies or halloumi as a vegetarian option. A common thing to do is hotdogs.
- Sauces: I am a firm believer of there not being such a thing as too much sauce, so bring all your favourites. It makes the food so much better.
- Trash bag: Of course, you need to leave the place without leaving a trace. Usually, there will be garbage bins around, but just in case you should bring a bag anyway.
- Cooler bag: This isn’t a must but it is nice to keep your drinks and foods cold
You can of course also bring more like plates and everything, but sometimes it’s difficult to transport everything to the grill sight.
Feel free to leave a comment with your favourite spot to grill and things I have missed on my pack list!
Otherwise, enjoy your summer and all the best!