When I was listening to some of my friends talking about thesis projects and how it makes them go crazy I was saying they are exaggerating but when the time came to be at their place, I Knew and understood their feelings as it so stressful!

Before I talk about my experience on how I say calm and motivated during the thesis project I want to confess that is really so stressful and consuming a lot of energy from you! However, I believe after finishing such a big project I will feel so proud and happy of the outcome. For me especially it is very hard as in my bachelor program I have never written any thesis, instead I did a lot of field work and exams. So, I guess now you can imagine why it is so stressful for me. But through this blog I will share with you what I am doing to not let it drive me crazy 😊

Follow a routine: I believe routine is good when it comes to big dreams and targets. For the thesis project and as it is a long and big project it also needs to be framed within a specific routine. What I do is that I always wake up at specific time and also sleep at specific time. Have my meals on time, and the most important thing is to study on a schedule so you know you will finish your studies by that time and then you are free to do whatever you want. I know sometimes we need extra time or we need a loose schedule and this is what I do sometimes to not feel I am boring or what I do is boring. But I am trying to keep the routine up to train myself on specific practices that need to be done withing specific time because at least that makes me responsible towards the things I need to get done.

Have a clear schedule and tasks: I struggled a lot with the daily to do list and as I am so ambitious I write a lot of things that I need to get done, but it never happened during one day. So, I shifted to have a weekly to do list and I could say it works better for me as you feel you have more flexiability to do many things but whing longer time frame. So, on one side I do not feel disappointed when I am not able to do all the things on one day and on the other hand it gives me full overview on the important tasks and I need to prioratize before other things.

Stay connected: This is by staying close to your friends and classmates as it will help you share concerns, knowledge, and ideas that would be helpful. Also, brainstorming with your friends helps a lot as you might get an idea that you never think about, which refers to the different perspectives of different angels.

Do not delay things: if you are like me and procrastinating a lot or just push things because you feel they are hard to be done. I would say this is wrong despite I am still sometimes doing the procrastination attitude. But when I tried not to delay tasks and just start to finish what I have that made me feel good and better and understand that noting is impossible I just need to start.

Do a hoppy or play sport: This is really works for me, as I feel I can just get all the negative energy inside me when I play sport or even have a walk. Sometime I love to draw, paint, dance, or sing. After I do any of these activities, I feel more energetic, and I am able to continue with the thesis work and get things done

Reward yourself: THIS IS THE MOST IMPROTANT THING! Because no one will come and reward your for your effort on struggles or difficulties. So, it is only you who can do that to yourself. You can do that in many ways. For example, if I get things done before its time line I go for a walk or watch a movie or have extra hour break or sometime I go out and meet a friend. There are many simple ways that you can say thank you to yourself but just do it because you deserve it!

So, Now I told you about I motivate myself to continue work on the thesis project.

How is it for you? Or how do you keep yourself motivated during a big projects like thesis? It can be a work project or any other project!

Can you help me with more ideas? Please share them in the comments below, and good luck with your projects 😊


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