Before I move to Sweden, I decided to learn Swedish for many reasons. Because I thought that, learning a second language will definitely give an insight onto their the Swedish culture, I will be more confident to understand many words when I go for groceries or do shopping in general. But also, to get integrated with the society which I thought would be a good thing to unblock the Swedish people as they known that they are closed and shy.

For me also, it was good idea to get to know more Swedish people and do not fear the idea that I am not like them practicing the language or I am coming from another country and do not understand how they talk or think.
So, I will share with you my experience on how I started and still learning the language.

1. Before I arrive to Sweden, I started to learn some basic words on “Duolingo” which is a nice application where you can learn many languages on it.
2. When I arrived to Sweden I started to look at café languages to start practical practice the language and get the accent from some Swedish people. So, I have attended some “Språk Café” with ISA the student association at the university and with the Red Cross in Linkoping as well.
3. I enrolled myself in the SFI or the Swedish for immigrants. Which is an official free courses provided for all foreigners who wants to learn the language. I go two days a week to learn and practice all the four skills of the language.
4. From time to time I open the Swedish TV and just listen to whatever is presenting just to get the accent and maybe to figure out some few words.
5. And the last thing that I am recently do is that I am listening to podcasts for learning the language.

I would say learning the Swedish language is not hard as it basically a combination of English and Germany. So, I felt comfortable learning the words that similar to English. However, the more I put effort The more I feel I understand many conversations and recognize words. So, I encourage you to learn the language as I believe you benefit a lot from it to feel more integrated in the society.


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