October 21, 2022
The Ultimate Saving Hacks For Students in Sweden (Food Edition)
My dear readers,
Whether you study economics or graphic designing, I am sure you have noticed how the prices of everything have gone up recently. Price inflation is everywhere around us, and as a student, it feels like salt rubbed on the wounds. Managing monthly expenses have become more difficult, which is why I, Shivani, will give you the ultimate saving hacks – FOOD EDITION.
For bulk grocery shopping, ICA Maxi, WILLYs and City Gross are your three musketeers. The prices are very cheap and you get more worth when shopping for a week or two, in comparison to if you went to a local ICA or Coop. Continuing the conversation of grocery shopping, you must become a member at every grocery store in existence. As a student, you get many benefits from getting a membership at different grocery stores and sometimes, you get a monthly gift, free of cost. This month at ICA, I got frozen blueberries, so my smoothie is incoming!
If you shop for at least 300 SEK at these grocery stores, you will get at least 10% off or a similar discount. This is called a “storköp rabatt” (big purchase discount). So, get that membership and download the apps for all grocery stores as well, to access all your personal offers easily!
Let’s talk caffeine now. For all my coffee and tea lovers, the Espresso House, Wayne’s and Pressbyrån app are a must download as you can get stamps for every purchase you make.
Once your stamp card is full, you get a free coffee or tea. You can see on the side here how the Pressbyrån stamp card looks.
Did you know that Pressbyrån also has stamp cards for ice cream, hot dogs, sodas and Picadeli salad bowls?! Well, now you do. So remember to get the app and scan during a purchase. Also, regardless of which campus you study at, bring your own cup to get coffee at a cheaper price!
Diving in a bit deeper on the topic of food, I want to present an app that I think you must have on your phone. Its called Too Good To Go. The app connects to stores and restaurants that end up having surplus unsold food at the end of the day and makes a magic goodie bag. You can reserve these goodie bags and buy them for very cheap prices. The app lets you customise your location so that you get the most accurate restaurant/grocery store suggestions. I’m sure it must be hard to comprehend the insane value for money this app gives you so let me give you a scenario. My Espresso House goodie bag from a few days ago had two pastries, a bagel, a scone and a salad – all for 50 SEK?! If I were to order these things on a regular day, my bill would be more than 300 SEK. So, the concept is pretty mind blowing to say the least. It can satisfy your restaurant cravings at the ultimate student price but you help by not letting food get wasted.
So, I’ve managed to make you download at least three apps after reading this. I hope you do try some of these hacks and become better equipped, thus taking a step to saving money. It can be overwhelming, I definitely understand, but once you start, there is no stopping you. If you guys like this type of content, let me know and maybe I will make a shopping edition for you guys. Till next time my readers, happy munching till then!😋
Your certified hacks specialist <3
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