October 18, 2021
Soaking up sunshine
Last rays of sunshine: hiking trips close to Linköping
I don’t know about you but I’m starting to get a little antsy in prospect of a rainy, cold and freezing winter…so I want to seize every opportunity to bask in the sunshine, while I still can.
Lately we have been blessed with some sunny days and beautiful autumn colours, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to share some hiking pictures and destinations with you.
A place that is very easy to reach by bus is Ullstämmaskogen Naturreservat. From Linköping Resecentrum you can either take bus number 1 or 17, with number 1 being a few minutes quicker. Exit at Hässelgatan and walk into the nature reserve. I have been there twice now, and still there would be many more routes to explore!
After a hectic week of uni work and classes it is so relaxing to just be outside in nature, the woods, and escape a little bit from all the stress and responsibilities.
The first time I went to Ullstämmaskogen with some friends we followed the orange path and came across a pretty impressive lake that reflected its surroundings beautifully. We all brought some lunch and had a little break at one of the many picknick benches scattered around the reserve.
The second time the fall colours made the place truly stunning! I was joined by some of my classmates and together we were on the lookout for Swedish red-listed species and also brought along binoculars to observe birds. This time we followed the green path and found a stunning spot for lunch!

Lunch spot
Another place you could check out for a walk is Tinnerö Eklandskap Naturreservat. You can easily reach the place by bike in about 30 minutes and enjoy a walk around its lake. It’s also great for bird watching, or having a barbecue with friends.
I hope you enjoy all the pretty views in those pictures, and if the weather is good, make sure you check them out yourself as well. Also, I hope all of you are doing well in prospect of the darker season lurking around the corner, we will get through it ha ha! Talk to you again soon, M.