Hi everyone,

As October has proved very stressful for me and full of tasks to do, I got interested in how I could make myself more productive. So, yesterday I indulged to download the free pages of the Productivity Planner. I didn’t have much belief in it, as it is basically suggesting a working model. Choose the 1 most important task of the day and then the 2 secondary tasks of importance and finally 2 more additional tasks. The Productivity Planner urges the user to estimate the amount of Pomodoros, which the tasks would ideally need, count them, and then compare with the actual time that it took. At the end of the page, there is a notes΄ section to keep track of other thoughts and a productivity score from 1-10, and space for a quick comment. To be noted, each page starts with a positive quote of famous personalities.

I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical if it would work or not. The first day, I was completely out of order, hence I didn’t manage to work almost at all. But today, I gave it a second chance. Even though it was quite full of heavy tasks I managed to complete all of the important ones and the additional ones. I am not sure yet, whether it was the Productivity Planner, which helped or my mood, but in any way it worked and it made me feel better about tomorrow, as I have a better grip now.

Therefore, I will just share a quote from the Productivity Planner:

“The scariest moment is always just before you start”.

I hope you have found some useful information in my blog post and comment if there are any questions you may have that I haven’t included in my article.

Looking forward to having you around for my next blog post!

All the best,


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