Once you arrive here on Campus during the welcoming period you will realize pretty quickly that there are a lot of people in colourful overalls full of patches. You will even see people wearing them at parties and clubs. Just like me you’ll probably wonder, what is up with this?

So, here is a quick guide to the overalls:

Every programme is allocated within a section at the university. These sections are student run and their main purpose is to ensure the quality of studies for every student. You can find a list of all sections right here. Each section has their own overall with different colour combinations and their logo on the back so it’s easy to spot your fellow students on campus. The overalls are mostly offered for the Bachelor students because most Swedish Master students keep using their previous overalls during their studies.

As an international student of a master programme, you have two possibilities to get an overall anyway. For one you can contact your section. They are very welcoming and can usually just add your overall to their order. Or you can, same as the exchange student, get an ESN overall. The Erasmus Student Network Linköping offers blue overalls with yellow strips which will be sown on later. The costs of the overall varies depending on where you get yours.

Now to the important part, the rules for the overalls:

  1. You are not allowed to wear your overall out or decorate it before your inauguration. The overall inauguration is organized by the party-committees of each section. The objective during the event is to get your overall as dirty as possible. Only after this can you start using it. The inauguration is also the only time you wear the overall completely.
  2. You have to wrap the upper part of the overall around your waist and tie the arms at the front.
  3. You also cannot wash your overall. This a big rule but should you mysteriously find yourself in the shower or in a lake wearing the overall it’s fine.
  4. Your right leg should state your name. You can either write in on directly or sew it on with some fun fabrics. The fabric store Ohlsson’s at the city centre is a good place to shop for this.
  5. Your patches should go on the left leg. The patches are a representation of want you have done and what you like. You can buy them together with tickets to parties. However, if you don’t attend you will have to sew the patch on upside down. Or buy them at different stores. You can get some on Campus Valla at the LiU Store.

Other than these rules you should just have fun with it and make it your own. You can put your flags on it, have your friends sign it or but more accessories on it. And with all this said I now got to get back to sewing!

All the best,


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