October 4, 2021
Vegan in Linköping
If you are vegetarian or vegan like me, moving to a new city always comes with extensive googling to see how “vegan-friendly” a place is. Let me take that work off of you, and show you exactly how, (spoiler alert) easy it is to live in Linköping on a vegan diet.
I’ve been vegan for about five or six years now, and the range of plant products that were available to me heavily depended on where I lived. So naturally it’s always exciting to discover what new places have to offer.
Groceries: Usually I shop at Hemköp, since it is so close to me, which makes a weekly shop super easy to carry home. Apart from staples such as veggies, grains, legumes, tofu etc. you can get some really fun vegan products at the Hemköp in Ryd centrum. For example, you can get Kanelbullar (cinnamon buns) and Kardemummabullar (cardamom buns) for your Fika, if you don’t like to bake yourself or want a quick treat. They also carry a good range of plant-based milks and yoghurts, and vegan substitute products for meat.
Café: This is what excited me the most, about being vegan in Linköping, every single café I’ve been to so far offered plant-based milks for their coffee! Depending on where you come from, this might not be unusual for you, but personally it is a huge thing for me! I was used to picking out a few places were I was sure that they could offer vegan milk to enjoy a coffee out, to having my pick of all of them. Granted, I have not been to every café in Linköping yet, but once I have covered a few more, another blog post might have to follow.
And it is usually not just coffee you can get “veganized” in cafés, often they also offer vegan treats such as cakes or sandwiches.

Iced coffee at Waynes

Snack at espresso house
Restaurants: If you want a cheap, but super delicious meal, check out Falafelhuset. Their falafelrulle is amazing and can be requested to be made vegan! They also have a restaurant on Campus Valla in case you want some food on campus!
Speaking of food on campus: The little supermarket beside Studenthuset, also carries vegan sandwiches, salad bowls and protein bars. Generally I had no trouble so far finding vegan food on campus.
Also Zodiaken on Campus Valla had vegan lunch options when I asked, and that place is super cozy for a lunch break!
If you are out at weird times of the day and want fast food you can even go to Mc Donalds, they have a vegan burger as well!
And in case you are on a night out and want a late night meal you should check out the food truck that is always parked in front of Pitchers. There you can also get a vegan falafelrulle if you clarify. And there is nothing tastier after a few drinks than Falafel!
These are just some of the places and tips I can give after living in Linköping for a month, so the probability is high that after some more time a part two might follow! I hope you found some places or things you want to check out through this, even if you are not even vegan at all!