As we are slowly but steadily approaching the end of another semester, with sunny weather to accompany our outdoor adventures – it is always a good time to explore what Linköping municipality has to offer. Currently, my favourite place to be during sunny weekends or when I make a study break is Tinnerö eklandskap or Tinnerö oak landscape.
For those who don’t know what Tinnerö represents – it is a nature reserve in Linköping municipality since 13 June 2006. It consists of about 6.3 km² of landscape with rich flora and fauna, agricultural landscapes, wetlands, lakes and streams, forests and the built environment. Furthermore, don’t be surprised if many well-preserved ancient monuments in the form of settlements and burial grounds occasionally pop up on your way. During the weekend, it is a highly visited location since it is a perfect spot for a good hike or extreme bike riding. As you are moving through the Tinnerö and going from one side to the another you will, somewhere in the middle, encounter a lake called Rosenkällasjön (if I am not mistaken) 🙂 The lake was recreated in the autumn of 2004 after being completely overgrown for more than a hundred years. If you are lucky enough you can catch that bench right next to the lake. A perfect spot in the Sun to enjoy your coffee/juice or a quick snack.
If you are not sure how to reach Tinnerö eklandskap you can always google it and reach it easily with either your bike or bus 17. Enjoy your time in Tinnerö!

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