Hello, today’s blog is about finding accommodations and Linköping.

As a student who is morning to Linköping, the first question that arises is how to find the accommodations, and it’s surprisingly hard if you don’t know particular things about accommodations in Sweden or in Linkoping. In Sweden, there are many types of student living options ranging from large corridor spaces to normal apartments. The student population is concentrated around Ryd which is close to the University and most of those students live in this area as it is very easy to commute to college. I would say it would be rather easy to find a combination because most of the rooms are empty due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation. There are two main websites which are www.studentbostader.se/en/ and www.heimstaden.com Which offers accommodation for students and the websites are very easy to use and very convenient. The first one was just the studentbostader is the main website dot people usually use because it has a lot of accommodations with them and usually works with the point system. I would say if you’re thinking of accommodation here it is very important to register yourself with these websites and start collecting points from day one. One can log in without the P number by choosing the log in as a foreigner option you can use your birthdate format as a P number, and you can register yourself on the website. The websites will show you how to log in on what details you should provide them to create an account Once you have created your account the website will start collecting points that can be used in a queue system so you can see the availability of the rooms and most of the rooms are The corridor rooms and few are the apartments. It is usually very hard to get an individual apartment so the student would choose the corridor rooms which are furnished and unfurnished. One would get a bad table chair and a lamp table in a furnished room and I would recommend this because most of the rooms it’s filled with furniture, and it’s very convenient to just move in. Once you see the availability you can apply for that and you can see yourself in a queue system based on your points, and so I stress you to get more points before you even begin with the accommodation process that means you have to register yourselves very early if you choose to come here. Once you apply you can see yourself in a queue and if you’re on the top of the queue you would obviously get the apartment or the cold or room, and you can just move in right away art from the start date. the same above steps apply for the heimstaden too. But heimstaden Doesn’t have any point system or at least all visible point system, so many foreign students would easily get apartments in heimstaden since there’s no cure system and it’s mostly based on first come first serve. the pricing of these apartments are almost similar to each other so that it’s almost the same but it is spread out in a huge student area which is Ryd. one can also find apartments in the city center or anywhere in the city. But it’s just difficult or very difficult to find an apartment or a room either you should be in a queue or you should know someone who was selling or who’s renting out the apartments. For this one should keep an eye on the Facebook market where people usually post about empty rooms who are or want to give out the rooms for rent. for this one should be very active in the Facebook market and check out every group. Beat Aldo group that can be found on Facebook for easy hunting of the accommodations.





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