January 13, 2021
Back to Sweden: snow, sun & conferences
Hello everyone!
Happy new year!!
I came back to Sweden the 5th of January.. and I’m so happy to be here again!I finally saw some snow, enjoyed the cold weather (some days we had -12C°!!!) and took maaaany walks in the cold sun. But most important, I participated for the first time to a conference, as a panelist.
Here the photo that testimonies how I was preparing for the conference!! And because my connection is very bad, I had literally to move my desk in the kitchen… I think I’ll forever remember attending my first conference as a panelist – sit in my kitchen with my pjs pants. I felt very loved and lucky, because a couple of friends left outside my door a delicious cake… I’m still in quarantine after my trip back to Sweden, and this was the safest way to celebrate together.
I hope you’re having happy and relaxing weeks, going back to “normality” = time to work, follow the courses & study.
Tanti abbracci!